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Department of Business and Economics

BA-Seminar - The Impact of Migration in a Globalized World

Module:  Module 11
Lecturer: Jana Heinrichs
Scope / Credits: 4 SWS / 5 Credits Seminar + 2 Credits Scientific Work
Course type: Seminar
Exam: Term paper and presentation
Language: German / English
Application: Onlineapplication 20.01. - 24.01.2025, 12 am
Date and place: Thursday, 2:15 pm - 3:45 pm, M127
Beginning: 10.04.2025
Interim presentation: tba
Deadline for term paper: tba

Contents overview

In this seminar, the economic and social effects of migration will be analyzed and discussed on the basis of the latest economic studies. Why is migration an important factor for economic growth from an economic point of view and at the same time the cause of heated social debates? This seminar examines, among other things, the economic impact of migration on native workers (in terms of their employment opportunities and wages) and companies (in terms of their international orientation, productivity and innovative strength) as well as its social and political consequences. It also examines the effects of the emigration of skilled workers (and their potential return to their home country) on countries that are predominantly affected by emigration rather than immigration.


Learning goals

After participating in the seminar, students will be able to:

  • understand and analyze a current topic
  • to independently develop a research topic based on a literature search
  • to conceive, plan and carry out a scientific work
  • to present and defend interim results

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